The credits have rolled on the Reinvent Hollywood series, ending a six-episode series that examined how the motion picture industry could be reimagined and restructured, from the way that films are conceived, financed, created and distributed to the radically new and important role of the audience. Watch the Series Synthesis video (above) on what we accomplished, an 11-minute overview of some of the big ideas and takeaways from the episodes as well as a sampling of the choicest quotes from the nearly 40 participants.
The lively Reinvent Hollywood series was cast against a backdrop of fundamental changes in the film business, from the rise of ground-shifting internet platforms and the widespread availability of new digital tools. During the course of the three-month series run, we featured wily veterans as well as exciting newcomers from around the world. Despite all the challenges the industry faces, series host Ted Hope was pleasantly surprised at how optimistic the discussions remained: “I was surprised, and delighted, to see the energy and enthusiasm for what’s ahead.”